Source code for bloop.util


from .actions import ActionType
from .exceptions import MissingKey

__all__ = [
    "dump_key", "extract_key", "get_table_name",
    "index_for", "missing", "ordered",
    "value_of", "walk_subclasses",

# De-dupe dict for Sentinel
_symbols = {}

def index(objects, attr):
    Generate a mapping of a list of objects indexed by the given attr.

    objects : :class:`list`, iterable
    attr : string
        The attribute to index the list of objects by

    dictionary : dict
        keys are the value of each object's attr, and values are from objects


    class Person(object):
        def __init__(self, name, email, age):
   = name
   = email
            self.age = age

    people = [
        Person('one', '', 1),
        Person('two', '', 2),
        Person('three', '', 3)

    by_email = index(people, 'email')
    by_name = index(people, 'name')

    assert by_name['one'] is people[0]
    assert by_email[''] is people[1]

    return {getattr(obj, attr): obj for obj in objects}

def ordered(obj):
    Return sorted version of nested dicts/lists for comparing.

    Modified from:
    if isinstance(obj,
        return sorted((k, ordered(v)) for k, v in obj.items())
    # Special case str since it's a
    elif isinstance(obj, str):
        return obj
    elif isinstance(obj,
        return sorted(ordered(x) for x in obj)
        return obj

def walk_subclasses(root):
    """Does not yield the input class"""
    classes = [root]
    visited = set()
    while classes:
        cls = classes.pop()
        if cls is type or cls in visited:
        if cls is not root:
            yield cls

def value_of(column):
    """value_of({'S': 'Space Invaders'}) -> 'Space Invaders'"""
    return next(iter(column.values()))

def index_for(key):
    """stable hashable tuple of object keys for indexing an item in constant time.


        index_for({'id': {'S': 'foo'}, 'range': {'S': 'bar'}}) -> ('bar', 'foo')
    return tuple(sorted(value_of(k) for k in key.values()))

def extract_key(key_shape, item):
    construct a key according to key_shape for building an index


        key_shape = "foo", "bar"
        item = {"baz": 1, "bar": 2, "foo": 3}
        extract_key(key_shape, item) -> {"foo": 3, "bar": 2}
    return {field: item[field] for field in key_shape}

def dump_key(engine, obj):
    """dump the hash (and range, if there is one) key(s) of an object into
    a dynamo-friendly format.

    returns {dynamo_name: {type: value} for dynamo_name in hash/range keys}
    key = {}
    context = default_context(engine)
    for key_column in obj.Meta.keys:
        key_value = getattr(obj,, missing)
        if key_value is missing:
            raise MissingKey("{!r} is missing {}: {!r}".format(
                obj, "hash_key" if key_column.hash_key else "range_key",
        # noinspection PyProtectedMember
        key_action = key_column.typedef._dump(key_value, context=context)
        if key_action.type is not ActionType.Set:
            raise ValueError(
                f"key value {key_value} for column {key_column} must be a SET action but was {key_action}")
        key[key_column.dynamo_name] = key_action.value
    return key

def get_table_name(engine, obj):
    """return the table name for an object as seen by a given engine"""
    # noinspection PyProtectedMember
    return engine._compute_table_name(obj.__class__)

def default_context(engine, context=None) -> dict:
    """Return a dict with an engine, using the existing values if provided"""
    if context is None:
        context = {}
    context.setdefault("engine", engine)
    return context

[docs]class Sentinel: """Simple string-based placeholders for missing or special values. Names are unique, and instances are re-used for the same name: .. code-block:: pycon >>> from bloop.util import Sentinel >>> empty = Sentinel("empty") >>> empty <Sentinel[empty]> >>> same_token = Sentinel("empty") >>> empty is same_token True This removes the need to import the same signal or placeholder value everywhere; two modules can create ``Sentinel("some-value")`` and refer to the same object. This is especially helpful where ``None`` is a possible value, and so can't be used to indicate omission of an optional parameter. Implements ``__repr__`` to render nicely in function signatures. Standard object-based sentinels: .. code-block:: pycon >>> missing = object() >>> def some_func(optional=missing): ... pass ... >>> help(some_func) Help on function some_func in module __main__: some_func(optional=<object object at 0x7f0f3f29e5d0>) With the Sentinel class: .. code-block:: pycon >>> from bloop.util import Sentinel >>> missing = Sentinel("Missing") >>> def some_func(optional=missing): ... pass ... >>> help(some_func) Help on function some_func in module __main__: some_func(optional=<Sentinel[Missing]>) :param str name: The name for this sentinel. """ def __new__(cls, name, *args, **kwargs): name = name.lower() sentinel = _symbols.get(name, None) if sentinel is None: sentinel = _symbols[name] = super().__new__(cls) return sentinel def __init__(self, name): = name def __repr__(self): return "<Sentinel[{}]>".format(
missing = Sentinel("missing")