Source code for bloop.transactions

import enum
import logging
import uuid
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from typing import Any, List, NamedTuple, Optional

from .conditions import render
from .exceptions import MissingObjects, TransactionTokenExpired
from .models import unpack_from_dynamodb
from .signals import object_deleted, object_loaded, object_saved
from .util import dump_key, get_table_name

__all__ = [
    "TxItem", "TxType",
logger = logging.getLogger("bloop.transactions")

# per docs this is 10 minutes, minus a bit for clock skew guard
MAX_TOKEN_LIFETIME = timedelta(minutes=9, seconds=30)

[docs]class TxType(enum.Enum): """Enum whose value is the wire format of its name""" Get = "Get" Check = "CheckCondition" Delete = "Delete" Update = "Update"
[docs] @classmethod def by_alias(cls, name: str) -> "TxType": """get a type by the common bloop operation name: get/check/delete/save""" return { "get": TxType.Get, "check": TxType.Check, "delete": TxType.Delete, "save": TxType.Update, }[name]
[docs]class TxItem(NamedTuple): """ Includes the type, an object, and its condition settings. The common way to construct an item is through the ``new`` method: .. code-block:: pycon >>> get_item ="get", some_obj) >>> save_item ="save", some_obj) """ #: How this item will be used in a transaction type: TxType #: The object that will be modified, persisted, or referenced in a transaction obj: Any #: An optional condition that constrains an update condition: Optional[Any] @classmethod def new(cls, type_alias, obj, condition=None) -> "TxItem": return TxItem(type=TxType.by_alias(type_alias), obj=obj, condition=condition) @property def is_update(self): """Whether this should render an "UpdateExpression" in the TransactItem""" return self.type is TxType.Update @property def should_render_obj(self): """Whether the object values should be rendered in the TransactItem""" return self.type not in {TxType.Check, TxType.Get}
# hack to get around NamedTuple field docstrings renaming: # TxItem.type.__doc__ = """How this item will be used in a transaction""" TxItem.obj.__doc__ = """The object that will be modified, persisted, or referenced in a transaction""" TxItem.condition.__doc__ = """An optional condition that constrains an update"""
[docs]class Transaction: """ Holds a collection of transaction items to be rendered into a PreparedTransaction. If used as a context manager, calls prepare() and commit() when the outermost context exits. .. code-block:: pycon >>> engine = Engine() >>> tx = Transaction(engine) >>> tx.mode = "w" >>> p1 = tx.prepare() >>> p2 = tx.prepare() # different instances >>> with tx: ... pass >>> # tx.prepare().commit() is called here """ mode: str _items: List[TxItem] def __init__(self, engine): self.engine = engine self._items = [] self._ctx_depth = 0 def __enter__(self): self._ctx_depth += 1 return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): self._ctx_depth -= 1 if exc_type: return if self._ctx_depth == 0: self.prepare().commit() def _extend(self, items): if len(self._items) + len(items) > MAX_TRANSACTION_ITEMS: raise RuntimeError(f"transaction cannot exceed {MAX_TRANSACTION_ITEMS} items.") self._items += items
[docs] def prepare(self): """ Create a new PreparedTransaction that can be committed. This is called automatically when exiting the transaction as a context: .. code-block:: python >>> engine = Engine() >>> tx = WriteTransaction(engine) >>> prepared = tx.prepare() >>> prepared.commit() # automatically calls commit when exiting >>> with WriteTransaction(engine) as tx: ... # modify the transaction here ... pass >>> # tx commits here :return: """ tx = PreparedTransaction() tx.prepare( engine=self.engine, mode=self.mode, items=self._items, ) return tx
[docs]class PreparedTransaction: """ Transaction that can be committed once or more. Usually created from a :class:`~bloop.transactions.Transaction` instance. """ mode: str items: List[TxItem] #: Unique id used as the "ClientRequestToken" for write transactions. This is #: generated but not sent with a read transaction, since reads are not idempotent. tx_id: str #: When the transaction was first committed at. A prepared write transaction can only call commit #: again within 10 minutes of its first commit. This is ``None`` until commit() is called at least once. first_commit_at: Optional[datetime] = None def __init__(self): self.engine = None self._request = None
[docs] def prepare(self, engine, mode, items) -> None: """ Create a unique transaction id and dumps the items into a cached request object. """ self.tx_id = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-", "") self.engine = engine self.mode = mode self.items = items self._prepare_request()
def _prepare_request(self): self._request = [ { item.type.value: { "Key": dump_key(self.engine, item.obj), "TableName": get_table_name(self.engine, item.obj), **render( self.engine, obj=item.obj if item.should_render_obj else None, condition=item.condition, update=item.is_update), } } for item in self.items ]
[docs] def commit(self) -> None: """ Commit the transaction with a fixed transaction id. A read transaction can call commit() any number of times, while a write transaction can only use the same tx_id for 10 minutes from the first call. """ now = if self.first_commit_at is None: self.first_commit_at = now if self.mode == "r": response = self.engine.session.transaction_read(self._request) elif self.mode == "w": if now - self.first_commit_at > MAX_TOKEN_LIFETIME: raise TransactionTokenExpired response = self.engine.session.transaction_write(self._request, self.tx_id) else: raise ValueError(f"unrecognized mode {self.mode}") self._handle_response(response)
def _handle_response(self, response: dict) -> None: if self.mode == "w": for item in self.items: obj = item.obj if item.type is TxType.Delete: object_deleted.send(self.engine, engine=self.engine, obj=obj) elif item.type is TxType.Update: object_saved.send(self.engine, engine=self.engine, obj=obj) else: blobs = response["Responses"] not_loaded = set() if len(self.items) != len(blobs): raise RuntimeError("malformed response from DynamoDb") for item, blob in zip(self.items, blobs): obj = item.obj if not blob: not_loaded.add(obj) continue unpack_from_dynamodb(attrs=blob["Item"], expected=obj.Meta.columns, engine=self.engine, obj=obj) object_loaded.send(self.engine, engine=self.engine, obj=obj) if not_loaded:"loaded {} of {} objects".format(len(self.items) - len(not_loaded), len(self.items))) raise MissingObjects("Failed to load some objects.", objects=not_loaded)"successfully loaded {} objects".format(len(self.items)))
[docs]class ReadTransaction(Transaction): """ Loads all items in the same transaction. Items can be from different models and tables. """ mode = "r"
[docs] def load(self, *objs) -> "ReadTransaction": """ Add one or more objects to be loaded in this transaction. At most 10 items can be loaded in the same transaction. All objects will be loaded each time you call commit(). :param objs: Objects to add to the set that are loaded in this transaction. :return: this transaction for chaining :raises bloop.exceptions.MissingObjects: if one or more objects aren't loaded. """ self._extend(["get", obj) for obj in objs]) return self
[docs]class WriteTransaction(Transaction): """ Applies all updates in the same transaction. Items can be from different models and tables. As with an engine, you can apply conditions to each object that you save or delete, or a condition for the entire transaction that won't modify the specified object: .. code-block:: python # condition on some_obj >>>,"foo")) # condition on the tx, based on the values of some_other_obj >>> tx.check(some_other_obj, condition=ThatModel.capacity >= 100) """ mode = "w"
[docs] def check(self, obj, condition) -> "WriteTransaction": """ Add a condition which must be met for the transaction to commit. While the condition is checked against the provided object, that object will not be modified. It is only used to provide the hash and range key to apply the condition to. At most 10 items can be checked, saved, or deleted in the same transaction. The same idempotency token will be used for a single prepared transaction, which allows you to safely call commit on the PreparedCommit object multiple times. :param obj: The object to use for the transaction condition. This object will not be modified. :param condition: A condition on an object which must hold for the transaction to commit. :return: this transaction for chaining """ self._extend(["check", obj, condition)]) return self
[docs] def save(self, *objs, condition=None) -> "WriteTransaction": """ Add one or more objects to be saved in this transaction. At most 10 items can be checked, saved, or deleted in the same transaction. The same idempotency token will be used for a single prepared transaction, which allows you to safely call commit on the PreparedCommit object multiple times. :param objs: Objects to add to the set that are updated in this transaction. :param condition: A condition for these objects which must hold for the transaction to commit. :return: this transaction for chaining """ self._extend(["save", obj, condition) for obj in objs]) return self
[docs] def delete(self, *objs, condition=None) -> "WriteTransaction": """ Add one or more objects to be deleted in this transaction. At most 10 items can be checked, saved, or deleted in the same transaction. The same idempotency token will be used for a single prepared transaction, which allows you to safely call commit on the PreparedCommit object multiple times. :param objs: Objects to add to the set that are deleted in this transaction. :param condition: A condition for these objects which must hold for the transaction to commit. :return: this transaction for chaining """ self._extend(["delete", obj, condition) for obj in objs]) return self