Source code for bloop.session

import collections
import functools
import logging
from typing import Iterable  # noqa: F401

import boto3
import botocore.exceptions

from .exceptions import (
from .util import Sentinel, ordered

logger = logging.getLogger("bloop.session")
missing = Sentinel("missing")
ready = Sentinel("ready")

__all__ = ["SessionWrapper"]

    "at_sequence": "AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER",
    "after_sequence": "AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER",
    "trim_horizon": "TRIM_HORIZON",
    "latest": "LATEST"

[docs]class SessionWrapper: """Provides a consistent interface to DynamoDb and DynamoDbStreams clients. If either client is None, that client is built using :func:`boto3.client`. :param dynamodb: A boto3 client for DynamoDB. Defaults to ``boto3.client("dynamodb")``. :param dynamodbstreams: A boto3 client for DynamoDbStreams. Defaults to ``boto3.client("dynamodbstreams")``. """ def __init__(self, dynamodb=None, dynamodbstreams=None): dynamodb = dynamodb or boto3.client("dynamodb") dynamodbstreams = dynamodbstreams or boto3.client("dynamodbstreams") self._tables = {} self.dynamodb_client = dynamodb self.stream_client = dynamodbstreams
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """Clear all cached table descriptions.""" self._tables.clear()
[docs] def save_item(self, item): """Save an object to DynamoDB. Returns Optional[dict] of read attributes depending on the "ReturnValues" kwarg. Return value is None when no attributes were requested. :param item: Unpacked into kwargs for :func:`boto3.DynamoDB.Client.update_item`. :raises bloop.exceptions.ConstraintViolation: if the condition (or atomic) is not met. """ try: resp = self.dynamodb_client.update_item(**item) return resp.get("Attributes", None) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: handle_constraint_violation(error)
[docs] def delete_item(self, item): """Delete an object in DynamoDB. Returns Optional[dict] of read attributes depending on the "ReturnValues" kwarg. Return value is None when no attributes were requested. :param item: Unpacked into kwargs for :func:`boto3.DynamoDB.Client.delete_item`. :raises bloop.exceptions.ConstraintViolation: if the condition (or atomic) is not met. """ try: resp = self.dynamodb_client.delete_item(**item) return resp.get("Attributes", None) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: handle_constraint_violation(error)
[docs] def load_items(self, items): """Loads any number of items in chunks, handling continuation tokens. :param items: Unpacked in chunks into "RequestItems" for :func:`boto3.DynamoDB.Client.batch_get_item`. """ loaded_items = {} requests = collections.deque(create_batch_get_chunks(items)) while requests: request = requests.pop() try: response = self.dynamodb_client.batch_get_item(RequestItems=request) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: raise BloopException("Unexpected error while loading items.") from error # Accumulate results for table_name, table_items in response.get("Responses", {}).items(): loaded_items.setdefault(table_name, []).extend(table_items) # Push additional request onto the deque. # "UnprocessedKeys" is {} if this request is done if response["UnprocessedKeys"]: requests.append(response["UnprocessedKeys"]) return loaded_items
[docs] def query_items(self, request): """Wraps :func:`boto3.DynamoDB.Client.query`. Response always includes "Count" and "ScannedCount" :param request: Unpacked into :func:`boto3.DynamoDB.Client.query` """ return self.search_items("query", request)
[docs] def scan_items(self, request): """Wraps :func:`boto3.DynamoDB.Client.scan`. Response always includes "Count" and "ScannedCount" :param request: Unpacked into :func:`boto3.DynamoDB.Client.scan` """ return self.search_items("scan", request)
[docs] def search_items(self, mode, request): """Invoke query/scan by name. Response always includes "Count" and "ScannedCount" :param str mode: "query" or "scan" :param request: Unpacked into :func:`boto3.DynamoDB.Client.query` or :func:`boto3.DynamoDB.Client.scan` """ validate_search_mode(mode) method = getattr(self.dynamodb_client, mode) try: response = method(**request) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: raise BloopException("Unexpected error during {}.".format(mode)) from error standardize_query_response(response) return response
[docs] def create_table(self, table_name, model): """Create the model's table. Returns True if the table is being created, False otherwise. Does not wait for the table to create, and does not validate an existing table. Will not raise "ResourceInUseException" if the table exists or is being created. :param str table_name: The name of the table to create for the model. :param model: The :class:`~bloop.models.BaseModel` to create the table for. :return: True if the table is being created, False if the table exists :rtype: bool """ table = create_table_request(table_name, model) try: self.dynamodb_client.create_table(**table) is_creating = True except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: handle_table_exists(error, model) is_creating = False return is_creating
[docs] def describe_table(self, table_name): """ Polls until the table is ready, then returns the first result when the table was ready. The returned dict is standardized to ensure all fields are present, even when empty or across different DynamoDB API versions. TTL information is also inserted. :param table_name: The name of the table to describe :return: The (sanitized) result of DescribeTable["Table"] :rtype: dict """ if table_name in self._tables: return self._tables[table_name] status, description = None, {} calls = 0 while status is not ready: calls += 1 try: description = self.dynamodb_client.describe_table(TableName=table_name)["Table"] except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: raise BloopException("Unexpected error while describing table.") from error status = simple_table_status(description) logger.debug("describe_table: table \"{}\" was in ACTIVE state after {} calls".format(table_name, calls)) try: ttl = self.dynamodb_client.describe_time_to_live(TableName=table_name) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: raise BloopException("Unexpected error while describing ttl.") from error try: backups = self.dynamodb_client.describe_continuous_backups(TableName=table_name) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: raise BloopException("Unexpected error while describing continuous backups.") from error description["TimeToLiveDescription"] = { "AttributeName": _read_field(ttl, None, "TimeToLiveDescription", "AttributeName"), "TimeToLiveStatus": _read_field(ttl, None, "TimeToLiveDescription", "TimeToLiveStatus"), } description["ContinuousBackupsDescription"] = { "ContinuousBackupsStatus": _read_field( backups, None, "ContinuousBackupsDescription", "ContinuousBackupsStatus"), } table = self._tables[table_name] = sanitize_table_description(description) return table
[docs] def validate_table(self, table_name, model): """Polls until a creating table is ready, then verifies the description against the model's requirements. The model may have a subset of all GSIs and LSIs on the table, but the key structure must be exactly the same. The table must have a stream if the model expects one, but not the other way around. When read or write units are not specified for the model or any GSI, the existing values will always pass validation. :param str table_name: The name of the table to validate the model against. :param model: The :class:`~bloop.models.BaseModel` to validate the table of. :raises bloop.exceptions.TableMismatch: When the table does not meet the constraints of the model. """ actual = self.describe_table(table_name) if not compare_tables(model, actual): raise TableMismatch("The expected and actual tables for {!r} do not match.".format(model.__name__)) # Fill in values that Meta doesn't know ahead of time (such as arns). # These won't be populated unless Meta explicitly cares about the value if stream_arn =["arn"] = actual["LatestStreamArn"] logger.debug(f"Set {model.__name__}['arn'] to '{stream_arn}' from DescribeTable response") if model.Meta.ttl: ttl_enabled = actual["TimeToLiveDescription"]["TimeToLiveStatus"].lower() == "enabled" model.Meta.ttl["enabled"] = ttl_enabled logger.debug(f"Set {model.__name__}.Meta.ttl['enabled'] to '{ttl_enabled}' from DescribeTable response") # Fill in meta values that the table didn't care about (eg. billing=None) if model.Meta.encryption is None: sse_enabled = actual["SSEDescription"]["Status"].lower() == "enabled" model.Meta.encryption = {"enabled": sse_enabled} logger.debug( f"Set {model.__name__}.Meta.encryption['enabled'] to '{sse_enabled}' from DescribeTable response") if model.Meta.backups is None: backups = actual["ContinuousBackupsDescription"]["ContinuousBackupsStatus"] == "ENABLED" model.Meta.backups = {"enabled": backups} logger.debug(f"Set {model.__name__}.Meta.backups['enabled'] to '{backups}' from DescribeTable response") if model.Meta.billing is None: billing_mode = { "PAY_PER_REQUEST": "on_demand", "PROVISIONED": "provisioned" }[actual["BillingModeSummary"]["BillingMode"]] model.Meta.billing = {"mode": billing_mode} logger.debug(f"Set {model.__name__}.Meta.billing['mode'] to '{billing_mode}' from DescribeTable response") if model.Meta.read_units is None: read_units = model.Meta.read_units = actual["ProvisionedThroughput"]["ReadCapacityUnits"] logger.debug( f"Set {model.__name__}.Meta.read_units to {read_units} from DescribeTable response") if model.Meta.write_units is None: write_units = model.Meta.write_units = actual["ProvisionedThroughput"]["WriteCapacityUnits"] logger.debug( f"Set {model.__name__}.Meta.write_units to {write_units} from DescribeTable response") # Replace any ``None`` values for read_units, write_units in GSIs with their actual values gsis = {index["IndexName"]: index for index in actual["GlobalSecondaryIndexes"]} for index in model.Meta.gsis: read_units = gsis[index.dynamo_name]["ProvisionedThroughput"]["ReadCapacityUnits"] write_units = gsis[index.dynamo_name]["ProvisionedThroughput"]["WriteCapacityUnits"] if index.read_units is None: index.read_units = read_units logger.debug( f"Set {model.__name__}.{}.read_units to {read_units} from DescribeTable response") if index.write_units is None: index.write_units = write_units logger.debug( f"Set {model.__name__}.{}.write_units to {write_units} from DescribeTable response")
[docs] def enable_ttl(self, table_name, model): """Calls UpdateTimeToLive on the table according to model.Meta["ttl"] :param table_name: The name of the table to enable the TTL setting on :param model: The model to get TTL settings from """ self._tables.pop(table_name, None) ttl_name = model.Meta.ttl["column"].dynamo_name request = { "TableName": table_name, "TimeToLiveSpecification": {"AttributeName": ttl_name, "Enabled": True} } try: self.dynamodb_client.update_time_to_live(**request) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: raise BloopException("Unexpected error while setting TTL.") from error
[docs] def enable_backups(self, table_name, model): """Calls UpdateContinuousBackups on the table according to model.Meta["continuous_backups"] :param table_name: The name of the table to enable Continuous Backups on :param model: The model to get Continuous Backups settings from """ self._tables.pop(table_name, None) request = { "TableName": table_name, "PointInTimeRecoverySpecification": {"PointInTimeRecoveryEnabled": True} } try: self.dynamodb_client.update_continuous_backups(**request) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: raise BloopException("Unexpected error while setting Continuous Backups.") from error
[docs] def describe_stream(self, stream_arn, first_shard=None): """Wraps :func:`boto3.DynamoDBStreams.Client.describe_stream`, handling continuation tokens. :param str stream_arn: Stream arn, usually from the model's ``["arn"]``. :param str first_shard: *(Optional)* If provided, only shards after this shard id will be returned. :return: All shards in the stream, or a subset if ``first_shard`` is provided. :rtype: dict """ description = {"Shards": []} request = {"StreamArn": stream_arn, "ExclusiveStartShardId": first_shard} # boto3 isn't down with literal Nones. if first_shard is None: request.pop("ExclusiveStartShardId") while request.get("ExclusiveStartShardId") is not missing: try: response = self.stream_client.describe_stream(**request)["StreamDescription"] except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: if error.response["Error"]["Code"] == "ResourceNotFoundException": raise InvalidStream(f"The stream arn {stream_arn!r} does not exist.") from error raise BloopException("Unexpected error while describing stream.") from error # Docs aren't clear if the terminal value is null, or won't exist. # Since we don't terminate the loop on None, the "or missing" here # will ensure we stop on a falsey value. request["ExclusiveStartShardId"] = response.pop("LastEvaluatedShardId", None) or missing description["Shards"].extend(response.pop("Shards", [])) description.update(response) return description
[docs] def get_shard_iterator(self, *, stream_arn, shard_id, iterator_type, sequence_number=None): """Wraps :func:`boto3.DynamoDBStreams.Client.get_shard_iterator`. :param str stream_arn: Stream arn. Usually :data:`Shard.stream_arn <>`. :param str shard_id: Shard identifier. Usually :data:`Shard.shard_id <>`. :param str iterator_type: "sequence_at", "sequence_after", "trim_horizon", or "latest" :param sequence_number: :return: Iterator id, valid for 15 minutes. :rtype: str :raises bloop.exceptions.RecordsExpired: Tried to get an iterator beyond the Trim Horizon. """ real_iterator_type = validate_stream_iterator_type(iterator_type) request = { "StreamArn": stream_arn, "ShardId": shard_id, "ShardIteratorType": real_iterator_type, "SequenceNumber": sequence_number } # boto3 isn't down with literal Nones. if sequence_number is None: request.pop("SequenceNumber") try: return self.stream_client.get_shard_iterator(**request)["ShardIterator"] except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: if error.response["Error"]["Code"] == "TrimmedDataAccessException": raise RecordsExpired from error raise BloopException("Unexpected error while creating shard iterator") from error
[docs] def get_stream_records(self, iterator_id): """Wraps :func:`boto3.DynamoDBStreams.Client.get_records`. :param iterator_id: Iterator id. Usually :data:`Shard.iterator_id <>`. :return: Dict with "Records" list (may be empty) and "NextShardIterator" str (may not exist). :rtype: dict :raises bloop.exceptions.RecordsExpired: The iterator moved beyond the Trim Horizon since it was created. :raises bloop.exceptions.ShardIteratorExpired: The iterator was created more than 15 minutes ago. """ try: return self.stream_client.get_records(ShardIterator=iterator_id) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: if error.response["Error"]["Code"] == "TrimmedDataAccessException": raise RecordsExpired from error elif error.response["Error"]["Code"] == "ExpiredIteratorException": raise ShardIteratorExpired from error raise BloopException("Unexpected error while getting records.") from error
[docs] def transaction_read(self, items): """ Wraps :func:`boto3.DynamoDB.Client.db.transact_get_items`. :param items: Unpacked into "TransactionItems" for :func:`boto3.DynamoDB.Client.transact_get_items` :raises bloop.exceptions.TransactionCanceled: if the transaction was canceled. :return: Dict with "Records" list """ try: return self.dynamodb_client.transact_get_items(TransactItems=items) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: if error.response["Error"]["Code"] == "TransactionCanceledException": raise TransactionCanceled from error raise BloopException("Unexpected error during transaction read.") from error
[docs] def transaction_write(self, items, client_request_token): """ Wraps :func:`boto3.DynamoDB.Client.db.transact_write_items`. :param items: Unpacked into "TransactionItems" for :func:`boto3.DynamoDB.Client.transact_write_items` :param client_request_token: Idempotency token valid for 10 minutes from first use. Unpacked into "ClientRequestToken" :raises bloop.exceptions.TransactionCanceled: if the transaction was canceled. """ try: self.dynamodb_client.transact_write_items( TransactItems=items, ClientRequestToken=client_request_token ) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: if error.response["Error"]["Code"] == "TransactionCanceledException": raise TransactionCanceled from error raise BloopException("Unexpected error during transaction write.") from error
def validate_search_mode(mode): if mode not in {"query", "scan"}: raise InvalidSearch(f"{mode!r} is not a valid search mode.") def validate_stream_iterator_type(iterator_type): try: return SHARD_ITERATOR_TYPES[iterator_type] except KeyError: raise InvalidShardIterator(f"Unknown iterator type {iterator_type!r}") def handle_constraint_violation(error): error_code = error.response["Error"]["Code"] if error_code == "ConditionalCheckFailedException": raise ConstraintViolation("The condition was not met.") from error else: raise BloopException("Unexpected error while modifying item.") from error def handle_table_exists(error, model): error_code = error.response["Error"]["Code"] if error_code != "ResourceInUseException": raise BloopException(f"Unexpected error while creating table {model.__name__!r}.") from error # Don't raise if the table already exists # MODEL HELPERS ======================================================================================== MODEL HELPERS def standardize_query_response(response): count = response.setdefault("Count", 0) response["ScannedCount"] = response.get("ScannedCount", count) def create_batch_get_chunks(items): buffer, count = {}, 0 for table_name, table_attrs in items.items(): consistent_read = table_attrs["ConsistentRead"] for key in table_attrs["Keys"]: # New table name? table = buffer.get(table_name, None) if table is None: # PERF: overhead using setdefault is (n-1) # for n items in the same table in this chunk table = buffer[table_name] = {"ConsistentRead": consistent_read, "Keys": []} table["Keys"].append(key) count += 1 if count >= BATCH_GET_ITEM_CHUNK_SIZE: yield buffer buffer, count = {}, 0 # Last chunk, less than batch_size items if buffer: yield buffer # TABLE HELPERS ======================================================================================== TABLE HELPERS def compare_tables(model, actual): # Validation order: # SSE (ignored unless declared) # Stream (ignored unless declared) # TTL (ignored unless declared) # Billing Mode (ignored unless declared) # ProvisionedThroughput (ignored unless declared) # GSIs (only declared indexes) # LSIs (only declared indexes) # AttributeDefinitions matches = True provisioned_billing = actual["BillingModeSummary"]["BillingMode"] == "PROVISIONED" if model.Meta.encryption: actual_sse = actual["SSEDescription"]["Status"] expected_sse = { True: "ENABLED", False: "DISABLED" }[model.Meta.encryption["enabled"]] if actual_sse != expected_sse: logger.debug(f"Model expects SSE to be '{expected_sse}' but was '{actual_sse}'") matches = False if model.Meta.backups: actual_backups = actual["ContinuousBackupsDescription"]["ContinuousBackupsStatus"] expected_backups = { True: "ENABLED", False: "DISABLED" }[model.Meta.backups["enabled"]] if actual_backups != expected_backups: logger.debug(f"Model expects backups to be '{expected_backups}' but was '{actual_backups}'") matches = False if if not actual["StreamSpecification"]["StreamEnabled"]: logger.debug("Model expects streaming but streaming is not enabled") matches = False actual_stream = actual["StreamSpecification"]["StreamViewType"] expected_stream = { ("new",): "NEW_IMAGE", ("old",): "OLD_IMAGE", ("new", "old"): "NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES", ("keys",): "KEYS_ONLY" }[tuple(ordered(["include"]))] if actual_stream != expected_stream: logger.debug(f"Model expects StreamViewType '{expected_stream}' but was '{actual_stream}'") matches = False if model.Meta.ttl: if actual["TimeToLiveDescription"]["TimeToLiveStatus"] == "DISABLED": logger.debug("Model expects ttl but ttl is not enabled") matches = False actual_ttl = actual["TimeToLiveDescription"]["AttributeName"] expected_ttl = model.Meta.ttl["column"].dynamo_name if actual_ttl != expected_ttl: logger.debug(f"Model expects ttl column to be '{expected_ttl}' but was '{actual_ttl}'") matches = False if model.Meta.billing: billing = model.Meta.billing["mode"] actual_billing = { "PAY_PER_REQUEST": "on_demand", "PROVISIONED": "provisioned" }[actual["BillingModeSummary"]["BillingMode"]] if actual_billing != billing: logger.debug(f"Model expects billing mode to be '{billing}' but was '{actual_billing}'") matches = False if provisioned_billing: read_units = model.Meta.read_units actual_ru = actual["ProvisionedThroughput"]["ReadCapacityUnits"] if read_units is not None and read_units != actual_ru: logger.debug(f"Model expects {read_units} read units but was {actual_ru}") matches = False write_units = model.Meta.write_units actual_wu = actual["ProvisionedThroughput"]["WriteCapacityUnits"] if write_units is not None and write_units != actual_wu: logger.debug(f"Model expects {write_units} write units but was {actual_wu}") matches = False actual_gsis = {index["IndexName"]: index for index in actual["GlobalSecondaryIndexes"]} for index in model.Meta.gsis: actual_gsi = actual_gsis.get(index.dynamo_name) if actual_gsi is None: logger.debug(f"Table is missing expected index '{index.dynamo_name}'") matches = False continue expected_schema = key_schema(index=index) actual_schema = actual_gsi["KeySchema"] if ordered(expected_schema) != ordered(actual_schema): logger.debug(f"KeySchema mismatch for index '{index.dynamo_name}'") matches = False expected_projection = index_projection(index) expected_projection.setdefault("NonKeyAttributes", []) actual_projection = actual_gsi["Projection"] if not is_valid_superset(actual_projection, index): logger.debug(f"Projection mismatch for index '{index.dynamo_name}'") matches = False if provisioned_billing: expected_wu = index.write_units actual_wu = actual_gsi["ProvisionedThroughput"]["WriteCapacityUnits"] if expected_wu is not None and actual_wu != expected_wu: logger.debug( f"ProvisionedThroughput.WriteCapacityUnits mismatch for index '{index.dynamo_name}'") matches = False expected_ru = index.read_units actual_ru = actual_gsi["ProvisionedThroughput"]["ReadCapacityUnits"] if expected_ru is not None and actual_ru != expected_ru: logger.debug( f"ProvisionedThroughput.ReadCapacityUnits mismatch for index '{index.dynamo_name}'") matches = False actual_lsis = {index["IndexName"]: index for index in actual["LocalSecondaryIndexes"]} for index in model.Meta.lsis: actual_lsi = actual_lsis.get(index.dynamo_name) if actual_lsi is None: logger.debug(f"Table is missing expected index '{index.dynamo_name}'") matches = False continue expected_schema = key_schema(index=index) actual_schema = actual_lsi["KeySchema"] if ordered(expected_schema) != ordered(actual_schema): logger.debug(f"KeySchema mismatch for index '{index.dynamo_name}'") matches = False expected_projection = index_projection(index) expected_projection.setdefault("NonKeyAttributes", []) actual_projection = actual_lsi["Projection"] if not is_valid_superset(actual_projection, index): logger.debug(f"Projection mismatch for index '{index.dynamo_name}'") matches = False attrs_by_name = {attr["AttributeName"]: attr for attr in actual["AttributeDefinitions"]} expected_attrs = attribute_definitions(model) for attr in expected_attrs: name = attr["AttributeName"] actual_attr = attrs_by_name.get(name) if actual_attr is None: logger.debug(f"Table is missing expected attribute '{name}'") matches = False continue if attr != actual_attr: logger.debug(f"AttributeDefinition mismatch for attribute '{name}'") matches = False return matches def attribute_definitions(model): dedupe_attrs = set() attrs = [] def add_column(column): if column is None: return if column in dedupe_attrs: return dedupe_attrs.add(column) attrs.append({ "AttributeType": column.typedef.backing_type, "AttributeName": column.dynamo_name }) add_column(model.Meta.hash_key) add_column(model.Meta.range_key) for index in model.Meta.indexes: add_column(index.hash_key) add_column(index.range_key) return attrs def index_projection(index): projection_type = { "all": "ALL", "keys": "KEYS_ONLY", "include": "INCLUDE" }[index.projection["mode"]] projection = {"ProjectionType": projection_type} if index.projection["mode"] == "include": projection["NonKeyAttributes"] = [ column.dynamo_name for column in index.projection["included"] ] return projection def is_valid_superset(actual_projection, index): """Returns True if the actual index is a valid superset of the expected index""" projection_type = actual_projection["ProjectionType"] if projection_type == "ALL": return True meta = index.model.Meta # all index types provide index keys and model keys provides = set.union(meta.keys, index.keys) if projection_type == "KEYS_ONLY": pass elif projection_type == "INCLUDE": # pragma: no branch (unknown projections break loud) by_dynamo_name = {column.dynamo_name: column for column in meta.columns} provides.update( by_dynamo_name[name] for name in actual_projection["NonKeyAttributes"] if name in by_dynamo_name # ignore columns the projection provides if the model doesn't care about them ) else:"unexpected index ProjectionType '{projection_type}'") return False expects = index.projection["included"] return provides.issuperset(expects) def key_schema(*, index=None, model=None): if index: hash_key = index.hash_key range_key = index.range_key else: hash_key = model.Meta.hash_key range_key = model.Meta.range_key schema = [{ "AttributeName": hash_key.dynamo_name, "KeyType": "HASH" }] if range_key: schema.append({ "AttributeName": range_key.dynamo_name, "KeyType": "RANGE" }) return schema def create_table_request(table_name, model): on_demand_billing = model.Meta.billing and model.Meta.billing["mode"] == "on_demand" table = { "AttributeDefinitions": attribute_definitions(model), "BillingMode": "PAY_PER_REQUEST" if on_demand_billing else "PROVISIONED", "KeySchema": key_schema(model=model), "ProvisionedThroughput": { # On create when not specified, use minimum values instead of None "WriteCapacityUnits": model.Meta.write_units or 1, "ReadCapacityUnits": model.Meta.read_units or 1, }, "TableName": table_name, } if model.Meta.gsis: table["GlobalSecondaryIndexes"] = [ { "IndexName": index.dynamo_name, "KeySchema": key_schema(index=index), "Projection": index_projection(index), "ProvisionedThroughput": { # On create when not specified, use minimum values instead of None "WriteCapacityUnits": index.write_units or 1, "ReadCapacityUnits": index.read_units or 1 }, } for index in model.Meta.gsis ] if model.Meta.lsis: table["LocalSecondaryIndexes"] = [ { "IndexName": index.dynamo_name, "KeySchema": key_schema(index=index), "Projection": index_projection(index), } for index in model.Meta.lsis ] if include =["include"] # type: Iterable[str] view = { ("keys",): "KEYS_ONLY", ("new",): "NEW_IMAGE", ("old",): "OLD_IMAGE", ("new", "old"): "NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES" }[tuple(sorted(include))] table["StreamSpecification"] = { "StreamEnabled": True, "StreamViewType": view } if on_demand_billing: table.pop("ProvisionedThroughput") for gsi in table.get("GlobalSecondaryIndexes", []): gsi.pop("ProvisionedThroughput") if model.Meta.encryption: table["SSESpecification"] = {"Enabled": bool(model.Meta.encryption["enabled"])} return table def sanitize_table_description(description): # We don't need to match most of what comes back from describe_table # This monster structure carefully extracts the exact fields that bloop # will compare against, without picking up any new fields that # describe_table may start returning. # Without this, describe_table could return a new piece of metadata # and break all table verification because our expected table doesn't # include the new field. # This also simplifies the post-processing logic by inserting empty lists # for missing values from the wire. read_field = functools.partial(_read_field, description) provisioned_throughput = { "ReadCapacityUnits": read_field(0, "ProvisionedThroughput", "ReadCapacityUnits"), "WriteCapacityUnits": read_field(0, "ProvisionedThroughput", "WriteCapacityUnits"), } sse_spec = { "Status": read_field("DISABLED", "SSEDescription", "Status"), } stream_spec = { "StreamEnabled": read_field(False, "StreamSpecification", "StreamEnabled"), "StreamViewType": read_field(None, "StreamSpecification", "StreamViewType"), } ttl_spec = { "AttributeName": read_field(None, "TimeToLiveDescription", "AttributeName"), "TimeToLiveStatus": read_field("DISABLED", "TimeToLiveDescription", "TimeToLiveStatus"), } backups_spec = { "ContinuousBackupsStatus": read_field( "DISABLED", "ContinuousBackupsDescription", "ContinuousBackupsStatus"), } billing_spec = { "BillingMode": read_field("PROVISIONED", "BillingModeSummary", "BillingMode") } return { "AttributeDefinitions": [ {"AttributeName": attr_definition["AttributeName"], "AttributeType": attr_definition["AttributeType"]} for attr_definition in description.get("AttributeDefinitions", []) ], "BillingModeSummary": billing_spec, "ContinuousBackupsDescription": backups_spec, "GlobalSecondaryIndexes": [ { "IndexName": gsi["IndexName"], "KeySchema": [ {"AttributeName": gsi_key["AttributeName"], "KeyType": gsi_key["KeyType"]} for gsi_key in gsi["KeySchema"]], "Projection": { "NonKeyAttributes": gsi["Projection"].get("NonKeyAttributes", []), "ProjectionType": gsi["Projection"]["ProjectionType"]}, "ProvisionedThroughput": { "ReadCapacityUnits": gsi.get( "ProvisionedThroughput", {"ReadCapacityUnits": 0})["ReadCapacityUnits"], "WriteCapacityUnits": gsi.get( "ProvisionedThroughput", {"WriteCapacityUnits": 0})["WriteCapacityUnits"]}} for gsi in description.get("GlobalSecondaryIndexes", []) ], "KeySchema": [ {"AttributeName": table_key["AttributeName"], "KeyType": table_key["KeyType"]} for table_key in description.get("KeySchema", []) ], "LatestStreamArn": read_field(None, "LatestStreamArn"), "LocalSecondaryIndexes": [ { "IndexName": lsi["IndexName"], "KeySchema": [ {"AttributeName": lsi_key["AttributeName"], "KeyType": lsi_key["KeyType"]} for lsi_key in lsi["KeySchema"]], "Projection": { "NonKeyAttributes": lsi["Projection"].get("NonKeyAttributes", []), "ProjectionType": lsi["Projection"]["ProjectionType"]}} for lsi in description.get("LocalSecondaryIndexes", []) ], "ProvisionedThroughput": provisioned_throughput, "SSEDescription": sse_spec, "StreamSpecification": stream_spec, "TableName": read_field(None, "TableName"), "TimeToLiveDescription": ttl_spec, } def simple_table_status(description): status = ready if description.get("TableStatus") != "ACTIVE": status = None for index in description.get("GlobalSecondaryIndexes", []): if index.get("IndexStatus") != "ACTIVE": status = None return status def _read_field(root, default, *path): node = root for segment in path: if segment not in node: return default node = node[segment] return node