Source code for

import collections

from .conditions import BaseCondition, iter_columns, render
from .exceptions import ConstraintViolation, InvalidSearch
from .models import Column, GlobalSecondaryIndex, unpack_from_dynamodb
from .signals import object_loaded

__all__ = ["ScanIterator", "Search", "QueryIterator"]

def printable_query(query_on):
    # Model.Meta -> Model
    if getattr(query_on, "__name__", "") == "Meta":
        return query_on.model
    # Index -> Index
    return query_on

def search_repr(cls, model, index):
    if model is not None:
        if index is not None:
            return "<{}[{}.{}]>".format(cls.__name__, model.__name__,
            return "<{}[{}]>".format(cls.__name__, model.__name__)
        if index is not None:
            return "<{}[None.{}]>".format(cls.__name__,
            return "<{}[None]>".format(cls.__name__)

def validate_search_mode(mode):
    if mode not in {"query", "scan"}:
        raise InvalidSearch("{!r} is not a valid search mode.".format(mode))

def validate_key_condition(model, index, key):
    # Model will always be provided, but Index has priority
    query_on = index or model.Meta

    # (model or index).hash_key == value
    # Valid for both (hash,) and (hash, range)
    if check_hash_key(query_on, key):

    # Failed.  Without a range key, the check above is the only valid key condition.
    if query_on.range_key is None:

    # If the model or index has a range key, the condition can
    # still be (hash key condition AND range key condition)

    if not isinstance(key, BaseCondition) or key.operation != "and":
        # Too many options to fit into a useful error message.

    # This intentionally disallows an AND with just one hash key condition.
    # Otherwise we get into unpacking arbitrarily nested conditions.
    if len(key) != 2:
    first_key, second_key = key.values

    # Only two options left -- just try both.
    if check_hash_key(query_on, first_key) and check_range_key(query_on, second_key):
    if check_range_key(query_on, first_key) and check_hash_key(query_on, second_key):

    # Nothing else is valid.

def validate_search_projection(model, index, projection):
    if not projection:
        raise InvalidSearch("The projection must be 'count', 'all', or a set of Columns to include.")
    if projection == "count":
        return None

    if projection == "all":
        return (index or model.Meta).projection["included"]
    elif isinstance(projection, str):
        raise InvalidSearch("The projection must be 'count', 'all', or a set of Columns to include.")

    # Keep original around for error messages
    original_projection = projection
    projection = set(projection)

    # name -> Column
    if all(isinstance(p, str) for p in projection):
        by_name = model.Meta.columns_by_name
        # This code could be simplified to a list comprehension
        # but then the user would gets a KeyError if they passed a set.
        # Instead do each individually and throw a useful exception.
        converted_projection = set()
        for p in projection:
            except KeyError:
                raise InvalidSearch("{!r} is not a column of {!r}.".format(p, model))
        projection = converted_projection

    # Could have been str/Column mix, or just not Columns.
    if not all(isinstance(p, Column) for p in projection):
        raise InvalidSearch(
            "{!r} is not valid: it must be only Columns or only their model names.".format(original_projection))

    # Can the full available columns support this projection?
    if projection <= (index or model.Meta).projection["available"]:
        return projection

    raise InvalidSearch(
        "{!r} includes columns that are not available for {!r}.".format(
            original_projection, printable_query(index or model.Meta)))

def validate_filter_condition(condition, available_columns, column_blacklist):
    if condition is None:

    for column in iter_columns(condition):
        # All of the columns in the condition must be in the available columns
        if column not in available_columns:
            raise InvalidSearch(
                "{!r} is not available for the projection.".format(column))
        # If this is a query, the condition can't contain the hash or range keys.
        # Those are passed in as the column_blacklist.
        if column in column_blacklist:
            raise InvalidSearch("{!r} can not be included in the filter condition.".format(column))

def check_hash_key(query_on, key):
    """Only allows == against query_on.hash_key"""
    return (
        isinstance(key, BaseCondition) and
        (key.operation == "==") and
        (key.column is query_on.hash_key)

def check_range_key(query_on, key):
    """BeginsWith, Between, or any Comparison except '!=' against query_on.range_key"""
    return (
        isinstance(key, BaseCondition) and
        key.operation in ("begins_with", "between", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "==") and
        key.column is query_on.range_key

def fail_bad_hash(query_on):
    msg = "The key condition for a Query on {!r} must be `{}.{} == value`."
    raise InvalidSearch(msg.format(
        printable_query(query_on), query_on.model.__name__,

def fail_bad_range(query_on):
    msg = "Invalid key condition for a Query on {!r}."
    raise InvalidSearch(msg.format(printable_query(query_on)))

[docs]class PreparedSearch: """Mutable search object. Creates :class:`` objects which can be used to iterate the results of a query or search multiple times. """ def __init__(self): self.engine = None self.mode = None self._iterator_cls = None self.model = None self.index = None self.consistent = None self.key = None self._projected_columns = None self._projection_mode = None self.filter = None self.forward = None self.parallel = None self._request = None
[docs] def prepare( self, engine=None, mode=None, model=None, index=None, key=None, filter=None, projection=None, consistent=None, forward=None, parallel=None): """Validates the search parameters and builds the base request dict for each Query/Scan call.""" self.prepare_iterator_cls(engine, mode) self.prepare_model(model, index, consistent) self.prepare_key(key) self.prepare_projection(projection) self.prepare_filter(filter) self.prepare_constraints(forward, parallel) self.prepare_request()
def prepare_iterator_cls(self, engine, mode): self.engine = engine self.mode = mode validate_search_mode(mode) self._iterator_cls = ScanIterator if mode == "scan" else QueryIterator def prepare_model(self, model, index, consistent): self.model = model self.index = index self.consistent = consistent def prepare_key(self, key): if self.mode != "query": return self.key = key validate_key_condition(self.model, self.index, self.key) def prepare_projection(self, projection): self._projected_columns = validate_search_projection(self.model, self.index, projection) if self._projected_columns is None: self._projection_mode = "count" else: # Everything else is specific, even "all" on a non-strict LSI. # A table could have columns than this model doesn't cares about; # don't load those when they'll be discarded immediately. self._projection_mode = "specific" def prepare_filter(self, filter): self.filter = filter if self.mode == "query": # Query filters can't include the key columns column_blacklist = (self.index or self.model.Meta).keys else: column_blacklist = set() available_columns = (self.index or self.model.Meta).projection["available"] validate_filter_condition(self.filter, available_columns, column_blacklist) def prepare_constraints(self, forward, parallel): self.forward = forward self.parallel = parallel def prepare_request(self): request = self._request = {} request["TableName"] = self.engine._compute_table_name(self.model) request["ConsistentRead"] = self.consistent if self.mode == "scan": if self.parallel: request["Segments"], request["TotalSegments"] = self.parallel else: request["ScanIndexForward"] = self.forward if self.index: request["IndexName"] = self.index.dynamo_name # GSI isn't strongly consistent if isinstance(self.index, GlobalSecondaryIndex): del request["ConsistentRead"] if self._projection_mode == "count": request["Select"] = "COUNT" projected = None else: request["Select"] = "SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES" projected = self._projected_columns request.update(render(self.engine, filter=self.filter, projection=projected, key=self.key)) def __repr__(self): return search_repr(self.__class__, self.model, self.index) def __iter__(self): return self._iterator_cls( engine=self.engine, model=self.model, index=self.index, request=self._request, projected=self._projected_columns )
[docs]class SearchIterator: """Reusable search iterator. :param session: :class:`~bloop.session.SessionWrapper` to make Query, Scan calls. :param model: :class:`~bloop.models.BaseModel` for repr only. :param index: :class:`~bloop.models.Index` to search, or None. :param dict request: The base request dict for each search. :param set projected: Set of :class:`~bloop.models.Column` that should be included in each result. """ mode = "<mode-placeholder>" def __init__(self, *, session, model, index, request, projected): self.session = session self.request = request self.model = model self.index = index self.projected = projected self.buffer = collections.deque() self._count = 0 self._scanned = 0 self._exhausted = False self._last_yielded = None @property def token(self): """ JSON-serializable representation of the current SearchIterator state. Use :func:`iterator.move_to(token) <>` to move an iterator to this position. Implementations will always include a "ExclusiveStartKey" key but may include additional metadata. The iterator's ``count`` and ``scanned`` values are not preserved. :returns: Iterator state as a json-friendly dict """ if self._last_yielded is None: # If the iterator isn't advanced but the user calls .move_to, ESK will not be None # Otherwise, this returns {"ESK": None} esk = self.request.get("ExclusiveStartKey") else: # table keys are always included (since they're always loaded) # index keys are included if there's an index keys = self.model.Meta.keys | (self.index.keys if self.index else set()) keys = (k.dynamo_name for k in keys) esk = {k: self._last_yielded[k] for k in keys} return {"ExclusiveStartKey": esk} @property def count(self): """Number of items that have been loaded from DynamoDB so far, including buffered items.""" if self.request["Select"] == "COUNT": while not self.exhausted: next(self, None) return self._count @property def scanned(self): """Number of items that DynamoDB evaluated, before any filter was applied.""" if self.request["Select"] == "COUNT": while not self.exhausted: next(self, None) return self._scanned
[docs] def all(self): """Eagerly load all results and return a single list. If there are no results, the list is empty. :return: A list of results. """ self.reset() return list(self)
[docs] def first(self): """Return the first result. If there are no results, raises :exc:`~bloop.exceptions.ConstraintViolation`. :return: The first result. :raises bloop.exceptions.ConstraintViolation: No results. """ self.reset() value = next(self, None) if value is None: raise ConstraintViolation("{} did not find any results.".format(self.mode.capitalize())) return value
[docs] def move_to(self, token): """Restore an iterator to the state stored in a token. This will reset all iterator state, including ``count``, ``scanned``, and ``exhausted`` properties. :param token: a :attr:`SearchIterator.token <>` """ esk = token["ExclusiveStartKey"] self.reset() # Don't set to None since boto3 doesn't like an explicit None if esk: self.request["ExclusiveStartKey"] = esk self._last_yielded = esk
[docs] def one(self): """Return the unique result. If there is not exactly one result, raises :exc:`~bloop.exceptions.ConstraintViolation`. :return: The unique result. :raises bloop.exceptions.ConstraintViolation: Not exactly one result. """ first = self.first() second = next(self, None) if second is not None: raise ConstraintViolation("{} found more than one result.".format(self.mode.capitalize())) return first
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset to the initial state, clearing the buffer and zeroing count and scanned.""" self.buffer.clear() self._count = 0 self._scanned = 0 self._exhausted = False self._last_yielded = None self.request.pop("ExclusiveStartKey", None)
@property def exhausted(self): """True if there are no more results.""" return self._exhausted and len(self.buffer) == 0 def __repr__(self): return search_repr(self.__class__, self.model, self.index) def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): while (not self._exhausted) and len(self.buffer) == 0: response = self.session.search_items(self.mode, self.request) continuation_token = response.get("LastEvaluatedKey", None) if continuation_token: self.request["ExclusiveStartKey"] = continuation_token self._exhausted = not continuation_token self._count += response["Count"] self._scanned += response["ScannedCount"] # Each item is a dict of attributes self.buffer.extend(response.get("Items", [])) if self.buffer: self._last_yielded = self.buffer.popleft() return self._last_yielded # Buffer must be empty (if _buffer) # No more continue tokens (while not _exhausted) raise StopIteration
[docs]class SearchModelIterator(SearchIterator): """Reusable search iterator that unpacks result dicts into model instances. :param engine: :class:`~bloop.engine.Engine` to unpack models with. :param model: :class:`~bloop.models.BaseModel` being searched. :param index: :class:`~bloop.models.Index` to search, or None. :param dict request: The base request dict for each search call. :param set projected: Set of :class:`~bloop.models.Column` that should be included in each result. """ def __init__(self, *, engine, model, index, request, projected): self.engine = engine self.model = model super().__init__( session=engine.session, model=model, index=index, request=request, projected=projected) def __next__(self): attrs = super().__next__() obj = unpack_from_dynamodb( attrs=attrs, expected=self.projected, model=self.model, engine=self.engine) object_loaded.send(self.engine, engine=self.engine, obj=obj) return obj
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs]class ScanIterator(SearchModelIterator): """Reusable scan iterator that unpacks result dicts into model instances. Returned from :func:`Engine.scan <bloop.engine.Engine.scan>`. :param engine: :class:`~bloop.engine.Engine` to unpack models with. :param model: :class:`~bloop.models.BaseModel` being scanned. :param index: :class:`~bloop.models.Index` to scan, or None. :param dict request: The base request dict for each Scan call. :param set projected: Set of :class:`~bloop.models.Column` that should be included in each result. """ mode = "scan"
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs]class QueryIterator(SearchModelIterator): """Reusable query iterator that unpacks result dicts into model instances. Returned from :func:`Engine.query <bloop.engine.Engine.query>`. :param engine: :class:`~bloop.engine.Engine` to unpack models with. :param model: :class:`~bloop.models.BaseModel` being queried. :param index: :class:`~bloop.models.Index` to query, or None. :param dict request: The base request dict for each Query call. :param set projected: Set of :class:`~bloop.models.Column` that should be included in each result. """ mode = "query"