Source code for bloop.engine

import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, Union

from .conditions import render
from .exceptions import (
from .models import BaseModel, Index, subclassof, unpack_from_dynamodb
from .search import Search
from .session import SessionWrapper
from .signals import (
from .stream import Stream
from .transactions import ReadTransaction, WriteTransaction
from .util import dump_key, extract_key, index_for, walk_subclasses

__all__ = ["Engine"]

logger = logging.getLogger("bloop.engine")

_sync_values = {
    "save": {
        None: "NONE",
        "new": "ALL_NEW",
        "old": "ALL_OLD"
    "delete": {
        None: "NONE",
        "old": "ALL_OLD"

def validate_not_abstract(*objs):
    for obj in objs:
        if obj.Meta.abstract:
            cls = obj if isinstance(obj, type) else obj.__class__
            raise InvalidModel("{!r} is abstract.".format(cls.__name__))

def validate_is_model(model):
    if not subclassof(model, BaseModel):
        cls = model if isinstance(model, type) else model.__class__
        raise InvalidModel("{!r} does not subclass BaseModel.".format(cls.__name__))

def validate_sync(mode, value):
    allowed = _sync_values[mode]
    wire = allowed.get(value)
    if wire is None:
        raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized option {value!r} for sync parameter, must be one of {set(allowed.keys())}")
    return wire

TableNameFormatter = Callable[[Any], str]

def create_get_table_name_func(table_name_template: Union[str, TableNameFormatter]) -> TableNameFormatter:
    if isinstance(table_name_template, str):
        if "{table_name}" not in table_name_template:
            raise InvalidTemplate("table name template must contain '{table_name}'")
        return lambda o: table_name_template.format(table_name=o.Meta.table_name)
    elif callable(table_name_template):
        return table_name_template
        raise ValueError("table name template must be a string or function")

[docs]class Engine: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences """Primary means of interacting with DynamoDB. To apply a prefix to each model's table name, you can use a simple format string: .. code-block:: pycon >>> template = "my-prefix-{table_name}" >>> engine = Engine(table_name_template=template) For more complex table_name customization, you can provide a function: .. code-block:: pycon >>> def reverse_name(model): ... return model.Meta.table_name[::-1] >>> engine = Engine(table_name_template=reverse_name) :param dynamodb: DynamoDB client. Defaults to ``boto3.client("dynamodb")``. :param dynamodbstreams: DynamoDBStreams client. Defaults to ``boto3.client("dynamodbstreams")``. :param table_name_template: Customize the table name of each model bound to the engine. If a string is provided, string.format(table_name=model.Meta.table_name) will be called. If a function is provided, the function will be called with the model as its sole argument. Defaults to "{table_name}". """ def __init__( self, *, dynamodb=None, dynamodbstreams=None, table_name_template: Union[str, TableNameFormatter] = "{table_name}"): self._compute_table_name = create_get_table_name_func(table_name_template) self.session = SessionWrapper(dynamodb=dynamodb, dynamodbstreams=dynamodbstreams)
[docs] def bind(self, model, *, skip_table_setup=False): """Create backing tables for a model and its non-abstract subclasses. :param model: Base model to bind. Can be abstract. :param skip_table_setup: Don't create or verify the table in DynamoDB. Default is False. :raises bloop.exceptions.InvalidModel: if ``model`` is not a subclass of :class:`~bloop.models.BaseModel`. """ # Make sure we're looking at models validate_is_model(model) concrete = set(filter(lambda m: not m.Meta.abstract, walk_subclasses(model))) if not model.Meta.abstract: concrete.add(model) logger.debug("binding non-abstract models {}".format( sorted(c.__name__ for c in concrete) )) # create_table doesn't block until ACTIVE or validate. # It also doesn't throw when the table already exists, making it safe # to call multiple times for the same unbound model. if skip_table_setup:"skip_table_setup is True; not trying to create tables or validate models during bind") else: self.session.clear_cache() is_creating = {} for model in concrete: table_name = self._compute_table_name(model) before_create_table.send(self, engine=self, model=model) if not skip_table_setup: if table_name in is_creating: continue creating = self.session.create_table(table_name, model) is_creating[table_name] = creating for model in concrete: if not skip_table_setup: table_name = self._compute_table_name(model) if is_creating[table_name]: # polls until table is active self.session.describe_table(table_name) if model.Meta.ttl: self.session.enable_ttl(table_name, model) if model.Meta.backups and model.Meta.backups["enabled"]: self.session.enable_backups(table_name, model) self.session.validate_table(table_name, model) model_validated.send(self, engine=self, model=model) model_bound.send(self, engine=self, model=model)"successfully bound {} models to the engine".format(len(concrete)))
[docs] def delete(self, *objs, condition=None, sync=None): """Delete one or more objects. :param objs: objects to delete. :param condition: only perform each delete if this condition holds. :param sync: update objects after deleting. "old" loads attributes before the delete; None does not mutate the object locally. Default is None. :raises bloop.exceptions.ConstraintViolation: if the condition (or atomic) is not met. """ objs = set(objs) validate_not_abstract(*objs) validate_sync("delete", sync) for obj in objs: attrs = self.session.delete_item({ "TableName": self._compute_table_name(obj.__class__), "Key": dump_key(self, obj), "ReturnValues": validate_sync("delete", sync), **render(self, obj=obj, condition=condition) }) if attrs is not None: unpack_from_dynamodb(attrs=attrs, expected=obj.Meta.columns, engine=self, obj=obj) object_deleted.send(self, engine=self, obj=obj)"successfully deleted {} objects".format(len(objs)))
[docs] def load(self, *objs, consistent=False): """Populate objects from DynamoDB. :param objs: objects to delete. :param bool consistent: Use `strongly consistent reads`__ if True. Default is False. :raises bloop.exceptions.MissingKey: if any object doesn't provide a value for a key column. :raises bloop.exceptions.MissingObjects: if one or more objects aren't loaded. __ """ get_table_name = self._compute_table_name objs = set(objs) validate_not_abstract(*objs) table_index, object_index, request = {}, {}, {} for obj in objs: table_name = get_table_name(obj.__class__) key = dump_key(self, obj) index = index_for(key) if table_name not in object_index: table_index[table_name] = list(sorted(key.keys())) object_index[table_name] = {} request[table_name] = {"Keys": [], "ConsistentRead": consistent} if index not in object_index[table_name]: request[table_name]["Keys"].append(key) object_index[table_name][index] = set() object_index[table_name][index].add(obj) response = self.session.load_items(request) for table_name, list_of_attrs in response.items(): for attrs in list_of_attrs: key_shape = table_index[table_name] key = extract_key(key_shape, attrs) index = index_for(key) for obj in object_index[table_name].pop(index): unpack_from_dynamodb( attrs=attrs, expected=obj.Meta.columns, engine=self, obj=obj) object_loaded.send(self, engine=self, obj=obj) if not object_index[table_name]: object_index.pop(table_name) if object_index: not_loaded = set() for index in object_index.values(): for index_set in index.values(): not_loaded.update(index_set)"loaded {} of {} objects".format(len(objs) - len(not_loaded), len(objs))) raise MissingObjects("Failed to load some objects.", objects=not_loaded)"successfully loaded {} objects".format(len(objs)))
[docs] def query(self, model_or_index, key, filter=None, projection="all", consistent=False, forward=True): """Create a reusable :class:``. :param model_or_index: A model or index to query. For example, ``User`` or ``User.by_email``. :param key: Key condition. This must include an equality against the hash key, and optionally one of a restricted set of conditions on the range key. :param filter: Filter condition. Only matching objects will be included in the results. :param projection: "all", "count", a set of column names, or a set of :class:`~bloop.models.Column`. When projection is "count", you must advance the iterator to retrieve the count. :param bool consistent: Use `strongly consistent reads`__ if True. Default is False. :param bool forward: Query in ascending or descending order. Default is True (ascending). :return: A reusable query iterator with helper methods. :rtype: :class:`` __ """ if isinstance(model_or_index, Index): model, index = model_or_index.model, model_or_index else: model, index = model_or_index, None validate_not_abstract(model) q = Search( mode="query", engine=self, model=model, index=index, key=key, filter=filter, projection=projection, consistent=consistent, forward=forward) return iter(q.prepare())
[docs] def save(self, *objs, condition=None, sync=None): """Save one or more objects. :param objs: objects to save. :param condition: only perform each save if this condition holds. :param sync: update objects after saving. "new" loads attributes after the save; "old" loads attributes before the save; None does not mutate the object locally. Default is None. :raises bloop.exceptions.ConstraintViolation: if the condition (or atomic) is not met. """ objs = set(objs) validate_not_abstract(*objs) for obj in objs: attrs = self.session.save_item({ "TableName": self._compute_table_name(obj.__class__), "Key": dump_key(self, obj), "ReturnValues": validate_sync("save", sync), **render(self, obj=obj, condition=condition, update=True) }) if attrs is not None: unpack_from_dynamodb(attrs=attrs, expected=obj.Meta.columns, engine=self, obj=obj) object_saved.send(self, engine=self, obj=obj)"successfully saved {} objects".format(len(objs)))
[docs] def scan(self, model_or_index, filter=None, projection="all", consistent=False, parallel=None): """Create a reusable :class:``. :param model_or_index: A model or index to scan. For example, ``User`` or ``User.by_email``. :param filter: Filter condition. Only matching objects will be included in the results. :param projection: "all", "count", a list of column names, or a list of :class:`~bloop.models.Column`. When projection is "count", you must exhaust the iterator to retrieve the count. :param bool consistent: Use `strongly consistent reads`__ if True. Default is False. :param tuple parallel: Perform a `parallel scan`__. A tuple of (Segment, TotalSegments) for this portion the scan. Default is None. :return: A reusable scan iterator with helper methods. :rtype: :class:`` __ __ """ if isinstance(model_or_index, Index): model, index = model_or_index.model, model_or_index else: model, index = model_or_index, None validate_not_abstract(model) s = Search( mode="scan", engine=self, model=model, index=index, filter=filter, projection=projection, consistent=consistent, parallel=parallel) return iter(s.prepare())
[docs] def stream(self, model, position): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences """Create a :class:`` that provides approximate chronological ordering. .. code-block:: pycon # Create a user so we have a record >>> engine = Engine() >>> user = User(id=3, email="") >>> >>> = "" >>> # First record lacks an "old" value since it's an insert >>> stream =, "trim_horizon") >>> next(stream) {'key': None, 'old': None, 'new': User(email='', id=3, verified=None), 'meta': { 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2016, 10, 23, ...), 'event': { 'id': '3fe6d339b7cb19a1474b3d853972c12a', 'type': 'insert', 'version': '1.1'}, 'sequence_number': '700000000007366876916'} } :param model: The model to stream records from. :param position: "trim_horizon", "latest", a stream token, or a :class:`datetime.datetime`. :return: An iterator for records in all shards. :rtype: :class:`` :raises bloop.exceptions.InvalidStream: if the model does not have a stream. """ validate_not_abstract(model) if not or not"arn"): raise InvalidStream("{!r} does not have a stream arn".format(model)) stream = Stream(model=model, engine=self) stream.move_to(position=position) return stream
[docs] def transaction(self, mode="w"): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences """ Create a new :class:`~bloop.transactions.ReadTransaction` or :class:`~bloop.transactions.WriteTransaction`. As a context manager, calling commit when the block exits: .. code-block:: pycon >>> engine = Engine() >>> user = User(id=3, email="") >>> tweet = Tweet(id=42, data="hello, world") >>> with engine.transaction("w") as tx: ... tx.delete(user) ..., Or manually calling prepare and commit: .. code-block:: pycon >>> engine = Engine() >>> user = User(id=3, email="") >>> tweet = Tweet(id=42, data="hello, world") >>> tx = engine.transaction("w") >>> tx.delete(user) >>>, >>> tx.prepare().commit() :param str mode: Either "r" or "w" to create a ReadTransaction or WriteTransaction. Default is "w" :return: A new transaction that can be committed. :rtype: :class:`~bloop.transactions.ReadTransaction` or :class:`~bloop.transactions.WriteTransaction` """ if mode == "r": cls = ReadTransaction elif mode == "w": cls = WriteTransaction else: raise ValueError(f"unknown mode {mode}") return cls(self)