Source code for bloop.conditions

# \
#   Expressions.SpecifyingConditions.html#ConditionExpressionReference.Syntax
import collections
import logging
import weakref
from typing import Any

from .actions import ActionType
from .exceptions import InvalidCondition
from .signals import object_modified
from .util import default_context, missing

__all__ = ["BaseCondition", "ComparisonMixin", "Condition", "iter_columns", "render"]

comparison_aliases = {
    "==": "=",
    "!=": "<>",
    "<": "<",
    ">": ">",
    "<=": "<=",
    ">=": ">=",
comparisons = list(comparison_aliases.keys())
logger = logging.getLogger("bloop.conditions")

# CONDITION TRACKING ============================================================================== CONDITION TRACKING

[docs]class ObjectTracking(weakref.WeakKeyDictionary): def __getitem__(self, key): try: return super().__getitem__(key) except KeyError: r = self[key] = set() return r
# Tracks the state of instances of models: # 1) Are any columns marked for including in an update? # 2) Latest snapshot for atomic operations global_tracking = ObjectTracking() @object_modified.connect def on_object_modified(_, *, obj, column, **__): # Mark a column for a given object as being modified in any way. # Any marked columns will be pushed (possibly as DELETE) in # future UpdateItem calls that include the object. global_tracking[obj].add(column) # END CONDITION TRACKING ====================================================================== END CONDITION TRACKING # RENDERING ================================================================================================ RENDERING Reference = collections.namedtuple("Reference", ["name", "type", "action"]) def is_empty(ref): """True if ref is a value ref with None value""" return ref.type == "value" and ref.action.value is None
[docs]class ReferenceTracker: """De-dupes reference names for the same path segments and generates unique placeholders for all names, paths, and values. The reference tracker can also forget references if, for example, a value fails to render but the rest of the condition should be left intact. This is primarily used when a value is unexpectedly dumped as None, or an expression uses another column as a value. :param engine: Used to dump column values for value refs. :type engine: :class:`~bloop.engine.Engine` """ def __init__(self, engine): self.__next_index = 0 self.counts = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0) self.attr_values = {} self.attr_names = {} # Index ref -> attr name for de-duplication self.name_attr_index = {} self.engine = engine @property def next_index(self): """Prevent the ref index from *ever* decreasing and causing a collision.""" current = self.__next_index self.__next_index += 1 return current def _name_ref(self, name): # Small optimization to request size for duplicate name refs ref = self.name_attr_index.get(name, None) if ref: self.counts[ref] += 1 return ref ref = "#n{}".format(self.next_index) self.attr_names[ref] = name self.name_attr_index[name] = ref self.counts[ref] += 1 return ref def _path_ref(self, column: "ComparisonMixin"): pieces = [column.dynamo_name] pieces.extend(path_of(column)) str_pieces = [] for piece in pieces: # List indexes are attached to last path item directly if isinstance(piece, int): str_pieces[-1] += "[{}]".format(piece) # Path keys are attached with a "." else: str_pieces.append(self._name_ref(piece)) return ".".join(str_pieces) def _value_ref(self, column, value, *, inner=False): """inner=True uses column.typedef.inner_type instead of column.typedef""" ref = ":v{}".format(self.next_index) typedef = column.typedef for segment in path_of(column): typedef = typedef[segment] if inner: typedef = typedef.inner_typedef context = default_context(self.engine) # noinspection PyProtectedMember action = typedef._dump(value, context=context) # The raw value needs to be stored in attr_values, but the Action information needs # to be passed back for the renderer to decide whether this is a set/remove/add/delete self.attr_values[ref] = action.value self.counts[ref] += 1 return ref, action
[docs] def any_ref(self, *, column, value=missing, inner=False) -> Reference: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences """Returns a NamedTuple of (name, type, value) for any type of reference. .. code-block:: python # Name ref >>> tracker.any_ref( Reference(name='email', type='name', value=None) # Value ref >>> tracker.any_ref(, value='user@domain') Reference(name='email', type='value', value={'S': 'user@domain'}) # Passed as value ref, but value is another column >>> tracker.any_ref(, value=User.other_column) Reference(name='other_column', type='name', value=None) :param column: The column to reference. If ``value`` is None, this will render a name ref for this column. :type column: :class:`~bloop.conditions.ComparisonMixin` :param value: *(Optional)* If provided, this is likely a value ref. If ``value`` is also a column, this will render a name ref for that column (not the ``column`` parameter). :param bool inner: *(Optional)* True if this is a value ref and it should be dumped through a collection's inner type, and not the collection type itself. Default is False. :return: A name or value reference :rtype: :class:`bloop.conditions.Reference` """ # Can't use None since it's a legal value for comparisons (attribute_not_exists) if value is missing: # Simple path ref to the column. name = self._path_ref(column=column) ref_type = "name" action = None elif isinstance(value, ComparisonMixin): # value is also a column! Also a path ref. name = self._path_ref(column=value) ref_type = "name" action = None else: # Simple value ref. name, action = self._value_ref(column=column, value=value, inner=inner) ref_type = "value" return Reference(name=name, type=ref_type, action=action)
[docs] def pop_refs(self, *refs): """Decrement the usage of each ref by 1. If this was the last use of a ref, remove it from attr_names or attr_values. """ for ref in refs: name = count = self.counts[name] # Not tracking this ref if count < 1: continue # Someone else is using this ref elif count > 1: self.counts[name] -= 1 # Last reference else: logger.debug("popping last usage of {}".format(ref)) self.counts[name] -= 1 if ref.type == "value": del self.attr_values[name] else: # Clean up both name indexes path_segment = self.attr_names[name] del self.attr_names[name] del self.name_attr_index[path_segment]
def render(engine, obj=None, filter=None, projection=None, key=None, condition=None, update=None): renderer = ConditionRenderer(engine) renderer.render( obj=obj, condition=condition, update=update, filter=filter, projection=projection, key=key, ) return renderer.output
[docs]class ConditionRenderer: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences """Renders collections of :class:`~bloop.conditions.BaseCondition` into DynamoDB's wire format for expressions, including: * ``"ConditionExpression"`` -- used in conditional operations * ``"FilterExpression"`` -- used in queries and scans to ignore results that don't match the filter * ``"KeyConditionExpressions"`` -- used to describe a query's hash (and range) key(s) * ``"ProjectionExpression"`` -- used to include a subset of possible columns in the results of a query or scan * ``"UpdateExpression"`` -- used to save objects Normally, you will only need to call :func:`~bloop.conditions.ConditionRenderer.render` to handle any combination of conditions. You can also call each individual ``render_*`` function to control how multiple conditions of each type are applied. You can collect the rendered condition at any time through :attr:`~bloop.conditions.ConditionRenderer.rendered`. .. code-block:: python >>> renderer.render(obj=user, atomic=True) >>> renderer.output {'ConditionExpression': '((#n0 = :v1) AND (attribute_not_exists(#n2)) AND (#n4 = :v5))', 'ExpressionAttributeNames': {'#n0': 'age', '#n2': 'email', '#n4': 'id'}, 'ExpressionAttributeValues': {':v1': {'N': '3'}, ':v5': {'S': 'some-user-id'}}} :param engine: Used to dump values in conditions into the appropriate wire format. :type engine: :class:`~bloop.engine.Engine` """ def __init__(self, engine): self.refs = ReferenceTracker(engine) self.engine = engine self.expressions = {}
[docs] def render(self, obj=None, condition=None, update=False, filter=None, projection=None, key=None): """Main entry point for rendering multiple expressions. All parameters are optional, except obj when atomic or update are True. :param obj: *(Optional)* An object to render an atomic condition or update expression for. Required if update or atomic are true. Default is False. :param condition: *(Optional)* Rendered as a "ConditionExpression" for a conditional operation. If atomic is True, the two are rendered in an AND condition. Default is None. :type condition: :class:`~bloop.conditions.BaseCondition` :param bool update: *(Optional)* True if an "UpdateExpression" should be rendered for ``obj``. Default is False. :param filter: *(Optional)* A filter condition for a query or scan, rendered as a "FilterExpression". Default is None. :type filter: :class:`~bloop.conditions.BaseCondition` :param projection: *(Optional)* A set of Columns to include in a query or scan, rendered as a "ProjectionExpression". Default is None. :type projection: set :class:`~bloop.models.Column` :param key: *(Optional)* A key condition for queries, rendered as a "KeyConditionExpression". Default is None. :type key: :class:`~bloop.conditions.BaseCondition` """ if update and not obj: raise InvalidCondition("An object is required to render updates.") if filter: self.filter_expression(filter) if projection: self.projection_expression(projection) if key: self.key_expression(key) # Condition requires a bit of work, because either one can be empty/false if condition: self.condition_expression(condition) if update: self.update_expression(obj)
def condition_expression(self, condition): self.expressions["ConditionExpression"] = condition.render(self) def filter_expression(self, condition): self.expressions["FilterExpression"] = condition.render(self) def key_expression(self, condition): self.expressions["KeyConditionExpression"] = condition.render(self) def projection_expression(self, columns): included = set() ref_names = [] for column in columns: if column in included: continue included.add(column) ref = self.refs.any_ref(column=column) ref_names.append( self.expressions["ProjectionExpression"] = ", ".join(ref_names) def update_expression(self, obj): updates = { ActionType.Add: [], ActionType.Delete: [], ActionType.Remove: [], ActionType.Set: [], } for column in sorted( # Don't include key columns in an UpdateExpression filter(lambda c: c not in obj.Meta.keys, global_tracking[obj]), key=lambda c: c.dynamo_name): name_ref = self.refs.any_ref(column=column) value_ref = self.refs.any_ref(column=column, value=getattr(obj,, None)) update_type = value_ref.action.type # Can't set to an empty value, force to a Remove if is_empty(value_ref) or update_type is ActionType.Remove: self.refs.pop_refs(value_ref) update_type = ActionType.Remove value_ref = None updates[update_type].append((name_ref, value_ref)) expressions = [] for update_type, refs in updates.items(): if not refs: continue k = update_type.wire_key.upper() r = update_type.render expressions.append(f"{k} " + ", ".join(r(*ref) for ref in refs)) if expressions: self.expressions["UpdateExpression"] = " ".join(e.strip() for e in expressions) @property def output(self): """The wire format for all conditions that have been rendered. A new :class:`~bloop.conditions.ConditionRenderer` should be used for each operation.""" expressions = {k: v for (k, v) in self.expressions.items() if v is not None} if self.refs.attr_names: expressions["ExpressionAttributeNames"] = self.refs.attr_names if self.refs.attr_values: expressions["ExpressionAttributeValues"] = self.refs.attr_values return expressions
# END RENDERING ======================================================================================== END RENDERING # CONDITIONS ============================================================================================== CONDITIONS
[docs]class BaseCondition: def __init__(self, operation, *, column=None, values=None): self.operation = operation self.column = column self.values = list(values or []) __hash__ = object.__hash__ def __len__(self): raise NotImplementedError def __repr__(self): raise NotImplementedError def render(self, renderer): raise NotImplementedError def __invert__(self): if self.operation is None: return self if self.operation == "not": # Cancel the negation return self.values[0] # return not(self) return NotCondition(value=self) __neg__ = __invert__ def __and__(self, other): # ()_1 & ()_2 -> ()_1 # or # (a > 2) & () -> (a > 2) if not other: return self # () & (b < 3) -> (b < 3) elif not self: return other # (a & b) & (c & d) -> (a & b & c & d) elif self.operation == other.operation == "and": return AndCondition(*self.values, *other.values) # (a & b) & (c > 2) -> (a & b & (c > 2)) elif self.operation == "and": return AndCondition(*self.values, other) # (a > 2) & (b & c) -> ((a > 2) & b & c) elif other.operation == "and": return AndCondition(self, *other.values) # (a > 2) & (b < 3) -> ((a > 2) & (b < 3)) else: return AndCondition(self, other) def __iand__(self, other): # x &= () -> x if not other: return self # () &= x -> x elif not self: return other # (a & b) &= (c & d) -> (a & b & c & d) elif self.operation == "and" and other.operation == "and": self.values.extend(other.values) return self # (a & b) &= (c > 2) -> (a & b & (c > 2)) elif self.operation == "and": self.values.append(other) return self # (a > 2) &= (c & d) -> ((a > 2) & c & d) elif other.operation == "and": return AndCondition(self, *other.values) # (a > 2) &= (b < 3) -> ((a > 2) & (b < 3)) else: return AndCondition(self, other) def __or__(self, other): # ()_1 | ()_2 -> ()_1 # or # (a > 2) | () -> (a > 2) if not other: return self # () | (b < 3) -> (b < 3) elif not self: return other # (a | b) | (c | d) -> (a | b | c | d) elif self.operation == other.operation == "or": return OrCondition(*self.values, *other.values) # (a | b) | (c > 2) -> (a | b | (c > 2)) elif self.operation == "or": return OrCondition(*self.values, other) # (a > 2) | (b | c) -> ((a > 2) | b | c) elif other.operation == "or": return OrCondition(self, *other.values) # (a > 2) | (b < 3) -> ((a > 2) | (b < 3)) else: return OrCondition(self, other) def __ior__(self, other): # x |= () -> x if not other: return self # () |= x -> x elif not self: return other # (a | b) |= (c | d) -> (a | b | c | d) elif self.operation == "or" and other.operation == "or": self.values.extend(other.values) return self # (a | b) |= (c > 2) -> (a | b | (c > 2)) elif self.operation == "or": self.values.append(other) return self # (a > 2) |= (c | d) -> ((a > 2) | c | d) elif other.operation == "or": return OrCondition(self, *other.values) # (a > 2) |= (b < 3) -> ((a > 2) | (b < 3)) else: return OrCondition(self, other) def __eq__(self, other): if self is other: return True if not isinstance(other, BaseCondition): return False if self.operation != other.operation: return False if isinstance(self.column, ComparisonMixin) != isinstance(other.column, ComparisonMixin): return False # If one isn't None, neither is None if self.column is not None: if proxied(self.column) is not proxied(other.column): return False if path_of(self.column) != path_of(other.column): return False # Can't use a straight list == list because # values could contain columns, which will break equality. # Can't use 'is' either, since it won't work for non-column # objects. if len(self.values) != len(other.values): return False for s, o in zip(self.values, other.values): # Both ComparisonMixin, use `is` if isinstance(s, ComparisonMixin) and isinstance(o, ComparisonMixin): if s is not o: return False # This would mean only one was a ComparisonMixin elif isinstance(s, ComparisonMixin) or isinstance(o, ComparisonMixin): return False # Neither are ComparisonMixin, use `==` elif s != o: # pragma: no branch return False return True
[docs]class Condition(BaseCondition): """An empty condition. .. code-block:: python combined = Condition() for each_condition in get_conditions_list(): combined &= each_condition if not combined: print("Conditions list only had empty conditions, or no conditions") Useful for iteratively building complex conditions, you can concatenate multiple conditions together without finding an initial condition in a possibly-empty list. An empty condition is equivalent to omitting a condition: .. code-block:: python, condition=Condition()) """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(operation=None) def __len__(self): return 0 def __repr__(self): return "()" def render(self, renderer): """Empty conditions don't render anything.""" pass
[docs]class AndCondition(BaseCondition): def __init__(self, *values): super().__init__("and", values=values) def __len__(self): return sum(1 for _ in iter_conditions(self)) def __repr__(self): joiner = " & " if not self.values: return "({})".format(joiner) elif len(self.values) == 1: return "({!r} {})".format(self.values[0], joiner.strip()) else: return "({})".format(joiner.join(repr(c) for c in self.values)) def render(self, renderer): if not self.values: raise InvalidCondition("Invalid Condition: <{!r}> does not contain any Conditions.".format(self)) rendered_conditions = [c.render(renderer) for c in self.values] if len(rendered_conditions) == 1: return rendered_conditions[0] return "({})".format(" AND ".join(rendered_conditions))
[docs]class OrCondition(BaseCondition): def __init__(self, *values): super().__init__("or", values=values) def __len__(self): return sum(1 for _ in iter_conditions(self)) def __repr__(self): joiner = " | " if not self.values: return "({})".format(joiner) elif len(self.values) == 1: return "({!r} {})".format(self.values[0], joiner.strip()) else: return "({})".format(joiner.join(repr(c) for c in self.values)) def render(self, renderer): if not self.values: raise InvalidCondition("Invalid Condition: <{!r}> does not contain any Conditions.".format(self)) rendered_conditions = [c.render(renderer) for c in self.values] if len(rendered_conditions) == 1: return rendered_conditions[0] return "({})".format(" OR ".join(rendered_conditions))
[docs]class NotCondition(BaseCondition): def __init__(self, value): super().__init__("not", values=[value]) def __len__(self): return len(self.values[0]) def __repr__(self): return "(~{!r})".format(self.values[0]) def render(self, renderer): rendered_condition = self.values[0].render(renderer) return "(NOT {})".format(rendered_condition)
[docs]class ComparisonCondition(BaseCondition): def __init__(self, operation, column, value): super().__init__(operation=operation, column=column, values=[value]) def __len__(self): return 1 def __repr__(self): return "({}.{} {} {!r})".format( self.column.model.__name__, printable_name(self.column), self.operation, self.values[0]) def render(self, renderer): column_ref = renderer.refs.any_ref(column=self.column) value_ref = renderer.refs.any_ref(column=self.column, value=self.values[0]) # #n0 >= :v1 # Comparison against another column, or comparison against non-None value if (value_ref.type == "name") or (value_ref.action.value is not None): return "({} {} {})".format(, comparison_aliases[self.operation], # attribute_exists(#n0), attribute_not_exists(#n1) # This is a value ref for ==, != against None if self.operation in ("==", "!="): renderer.refs.pop_refs(value_ref) function = "attribute_not_exists" if self.operation == "==" else "attribute_exists" logger.debug("rendering \"{}\" as {}".format(self.operation, function)) return "({}({}))".format(function, # #n0 <= None # This doesn't work; comparisons besides ==, != can't have a None value ref renderer.refs.pop_refs(column_ref, value_ref) raise InvalidCondition("Comparison <{!r}> is against the value None.".format(self))
[docs]class BeginsWithCondition(BaseCondition): def __init__(self, column, value): super().__init__("begins_with", column=column, values=[value]) def __len__(self): return 1 def __repr__(self): return "begins_with({}.{}, {!r})".format( self.column.model.__name__, printable_name(self.column), self.values[0]) def render(self, renderer): column_ref = renderer.refs.any_ref(column=self.column) value_ref = renderer.refs.any_ref(column=self.column, value=self.values[0]) if is_empty(value_ref): # Try to revert the renderer to a valid state renderer.refs.pop_refs(column_ref, value_ref) raise InvalidCondition("Condition <{!r}> is against the value None.".format(self)) return "(begins_with({}, {}))".format(,
[docs]class BetweenCondition(BaseCondition): def __init__(self, column, lower, upper): super().__init__("between", column=column, values=[lower, upper]) def __len__(self): return 1 def __repr__(self): return "({}.{} between [{!r}, {!r}])".format( self.column.model.__name__, printable_name(self.column), self.values[0], self.values[1]) def render(self, renderer): column_ref = renderer.refs.any_ref(column=self.column) lower_ref = renderer.refs.any_ref(column=self.column, value=self.values[0]) upper_ref = renderer.refs.any_ref(column=self.column, value=self.values[1]) if is_empty(lower_ref) or is_empty(upper_ref): # Try to revert the renderer to a valid state renderer.refs.pop_refs(column_ref, lower_ref, upper_ref) raise InvalidCondition("Condition <{!r}> includes the value None.".format(self)) return "({} BETWEEN {} AND {})".format(,,
[docs]class ContainsCondition(BaseCondition): def __init__(self, column, value): super().__init__("contains", column=column, values=[value]) def __len__(self): return 1 def __repr__(self): return "contains({}.{}, {!r})".format( self.column.model.__name__, printable_name(self.column), self.values[0]) def render(self, renderer): column_ref = renderer.refs.any_ref(column=self.column) value_ref = renderer.refs.any_ref(column=self.column, value=self.values[0], inner=True) if is_empty(value_ref): # Try to revert the renderer to a valid state renderer.refs.pop_refs(column_ref, value_ref) raise InvalidCondition("Condition <{!r}> is against the value None.".format(self)) return "(contains({}, {}))".format(,
[docs]class InCondition(BaseCondition): def __init__(self, column, values): super().__init__("in", column=column, values=values) def __len__(self): return 1 def __repr__(self): return "({}.{} in {!r})".format( self.column.model.__name__, printable_name(self.column), self.values) def render(self, renderer): if not self.values: raise InvalidCondition("Condition <{!r}> is missing values.".format(self)) value_refs = [] for value in self.values: value_ref = renderer.refs.any_ref(column=self.column, value=value) value_refs.append(value_ref) if is_empty(value_ref): renderer.refs.pop_refs(*value_refs) raise InvalidCondition("Condition <{!r}> includes the value None.".format(self)) column_ref = renderer.refs.any_ref(column=self.column) return "({} IN ({}))".format(, ", ".join( for ref in value_refs))
# END CONDITIONS ====================================================================================== END CONDITIONS
[docs]class ComparisonMixin: dynamo_name: str model: Any name: str typedef: Any def __repr__(self): return "<ComparisonMixin>" def __getitem__(self, path): return Proxy(self, [path]) def __eq__(self, value): check_support(self, "==") return ComparisonCondition(operation="==", column=self, value=value) def __ne__(self, value): check_support(self, "!=") return ComparisonCondition(operation="!=", column=self, value=value) def __lt__(self, value): check_support(self, "<") return ComparisonCondition(operation="<", column=self, value=value) def __gt__(self, value): check_support(self, ">") return ComparisonCondition(operation=">", column=self, value=value) def __le__(self, value): check_support(self, "<=") return ComparisonCondition(operation="<=", column=self, value=value) def __ge__(self, value): check_support(self, ">=") return ComparisonCondition(operation=">=", column=self, value=value) def begins_with(self, value): check_support(self, "begins_with") return BeginsWithCondition(column=self, value=value) def between(self, lower, upper): check_support(self, "between") return BetweenCondition(column=self, lower=lower, upper=upper) def contains(self, value): check_support(self, "contains") return ContainsCondition(column=self, value=value) def in_(self, *values): check_support(self, "in") return InCondition(column=self, values=values) is_ = __eq__ is_not = __ne__
def check_support(column: ComparisonMixin, operation): typedef = column.typedef for segment in path_of(column): typedef = typedef[segment] if not typedef.supports_operation(operation): tpl = "Backing type {!r} for {}.{} does not support condition {!r}." raise InvalidCondition(tpl.format( column.typedef.backing_type, column.model.__name__, printable_name(column), operation )) class Proxy(ComparisonMixin): def __init__(self, obj, path): self._obj = obj self._path = path super().__init__() def __getattr__(self, item): return getattr(self._obj, item) def __getitem__(self, item): return Proxy(self._obj, self._path + [item]) def __repr__(self): # "<Proxy[File.metadata[3][0]]>" name = self._obj.model.__name__ path = printable_name(self._obj, self._path) return "<Proxy[{}.{}]>".format(name, path) def printable_name(column, path=None): """Provided for debug output when rendering conditions.[3]["foo"][0]["bar"] -> name[3].foo[0].bar """ pieces = [] path = path or path_of(column) for segment in path: if isinstance(segment, str): pieces.append(segment) else: pieces[-1] += "[{}]".format(segment) return ".".join(pieces) def path_of(obj): if isinstance(obj, Proxy): # noinspection PyProtectedMember return obj._path return [] # noinspection PyProtectedMember def proxied(obj): if isinstance(obj, Proxy): return obj._obj return obj def iter_conditions(condition): """Yield all conditions within the given condition. If the root condition is and/or/not, it is not yielded (unless a cyclic reference to it is found).""" conditions = list() visited = set() # Has to be split out, since we don't want to visit the root (for cyclic conditions) # but we don't want to yield it (if it's non-cyclic) because this only yields inner conditions if condition.operation in {"and", "or"}: conditions.extend(reversed(condition.values)) elif condition.operation == "not": conditions.append(condition.values[0]) else: conditions.append(condition) while conditions: condition = conditions.pop() if condition in visited: continue visited.add(condition) yield condition if condition.operation in {"and", "or", "not"}: conditions.extend(reversed(condition.values)) def iter_columns(condition): """ Yield all columns in the condition or its inner conditions. Unwraps proxies when the condition's column (or any of its values) include paths. """ # Like iter_conditions, this can't live in each condition without going possibly infinite on the # recursion, or passing the visited set through every call. That makes the signature ugly, so we # take care of it here. Luckily, it's pretty easy to leverage iter_conditions and just unpack the # actual columns. visited = set() for condition in iter_conditions(condition): if condition.operation in ("and", "or", "not"): continue # Non-meta conditions always have a column, and each of values has the potential to be a column. # Comparison will only have a list of len 1, but it's simpler to just iterate values and check each # unwrap proxies created for paths column = proxied(condition.column) # special case for None # this could also have skipped on isinstance(condition, Condition) # but this is slightly more flexible for users to create their own None-sentinel Conditions if column is None: continue if column not in visited: visited.add(column) yield column for value in condition.values: if isinstance(value, ComparisonMixin): if value not in visited: visited.add(value) yield value